Monday, March 20, 2006

Did the compressor compress me or did I compress myself?

Where is the link? My ears hear the noise. The disturbance of this noise where can you locate it? Is it because it is an unnatural noise coming from a machine? Was not this unnatural noise made from a natural human being?The machine is drawing-drilling a line on a digged up hole on the road and I cannot wait for it to be over. The noise is interrupting other noises that I am used to.. the sound of cars, of whatnot, of the wind slithering through the plastic fans of the windows in the apartment... and everything ouf of habit is missed and when it is there it is not even noticed.And I am wondering where is this awareness that makes us enjoy what we have and feel not melancholy for the past that we miss? Has it been lost with the first taste of pleasure? From that first bite of apple ? Pleasure was acquired and our awareness to love it and have it and live it then out of habit after has grown, grown up...

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