Monday, June 04, 2007

One ! Two! Three! Four! watch me push it!

One: Wave embellished in the smell of metal, le notti del terrore, amazing, boy, excuse the abuse, friend, today has been day of the the fire-drill cospired against a woman who has magic found magic...: The technical:ah and aural:oh achievements: woha..

Two: In my corner, in my place, light it up and wait, rises and falls of books, Greek lives, fashionably late after the alarm back to the green light which produces the love of my life. Chased by paper, rise above the mountain of white like a queen, lists of verbal and uncoscious actions within dreams of what they could be saying.

Three: What did your face look like when you thought you learnt? I could have paid money to have seen this. Imagination paid me the right visit yesterday, it was fun.

Watch me: This is not literary,,, quite literal in its sense of jouissance, bonjour aujourdhui, the not mad not woman not in the attic down London bridge away from The BIG EYE though
staring down

the horizon
I hide away from or not
if I feel like looking up...ein the distance
I find a little ashtray made for four toi.!

Push it: Livia and life of the time to take your own party for your party to the per tea dazed into the bed of running away from ridiculous situations, wake up and smell the burnt... pot...

Did you forget the gas on again dare-bling?

Bling bling bling, ding ding ding...Hello..


Anonymous said...


Shit now I have to find a dictionary.


Unknown said...

A term used by a French linguist... Marcel Jousse... Jung uses it quite a talk about elated feeling inscribed on text:)