Sunday, November 05, 2006

Who is who

This is not usually a political space. But polis is part of where we live, the city. The city of the world. A man is sentensed to hang because he killed 148 people. To stop him another man killed some thousands of the same nationality people. The first is said to be hanged and the other one is hanging over our heads as leader of a great nation.
Some people of this nation come up with such funny lines :Can we watch his head being popped off ?

ooOOOooo please dont cover his face, I want to see "his" fear knowing that he is going to die!

I guess this kinda kills his mood for the 40 virgins eh :)"

I feel shame for the human nation to know that such "humans" exist.

Blood is not retrieved with blood. Because blood cannot be retrieved.

If you want to be shocked go to>1=8717

and read what some 'humans' have written about this.

Just because the freak show is happening far away from us does not mean we have to applaud...
I am appalled.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

both literally and figuratively I guess...