Sunday, November 12, 2006

to the left...

Dont you think you are irreplaceable... for one second. She thought to herself for himself in her mind.

Once you go down the stream of daze and drown in its ecstasy you acquire a special power. It is called Distancing yourself. You have two selves. One is enjoying being flipped in the air at the dancefloor by the hands of a man who seems to adore you. The adore examines and observes behavior and files in the back of your mind what should be taken care of. And there you go....

How absent can one character be when he or she changes through the influence of a substance? You must have an absent character if you tone it all down the next morning.
Whereas III have not changed, despite the intoxication, my views on how I behave.

The beautiful moment of orgasm arrives when you just know this is so not for me.
"Pull yourself together and get a life man..."addressed to the "un-dressed" man...
"The World is mine". Thanks for offering it to me but I have it already. Plus the expressions of Love and affections I have heard before I know the poem by HEART...

We regret that we will not be accepting any unsolicited mateterial at the present or in the foreseeable future.

Best wishes,

Kaberet's Prophecy

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