Have you looked at the ending of the words "death" and "birth"? Maybe this does not hold for all languages, but this arbitrary similarity of "th" may imply these two states have much in common: life: start and end. And "d" is the opposite sign of "b" and "ea" and "i" have the same pronounciation in the word: almost.
Where am I getting at? I am looking at the green tree across my window.. I left it two weeks ago with no leaves and back now charlotte street is green. The little leaves are only the beginning of a flourishing that is felth through the "Frou-frou" breeze entering through my window on the keys of my laptop.
It is the top of a lap I am ebracing tonight , the melancholy of death and the melancholy of life. A song which plays on and never dies and never lives :hope. Hope to hop to the summer, the heat and a true night of eternity.
How do you identify with all that? I know you do. You and I do not know why but we do . And the reason why we do, which we do not know, makes it worth breathing tonight and the rest of nights and days to come.
Nothing is unrequited and nothing is forever lost. We are all in the same company of misery and of lovelihood.
Smile at the man or woman or baby-girl or baby-boy that looks at you through the window of a bus. They smile back.
Happy Easter ..... Lucky Spring!
zoelin mou xairomai poli pou eimai i proti pou grafo comment giati ekames me na xamogelaso.. me ekeino to stoxastiko, melagxoliko, sxedon eironiko xamogelo..
i proti paragrafos sou ola ta lefta.. en to eixa skeftei pote alla exeis dikaio, esto kai an den stekei sta ellinika
se eyxaristw poly michaella. xairomai pou mporeis na identify with !
"Σκέψου πόσο μάταια χαίρεσαι το βιός σου,
ανάμεσα σε δύο θρήνους ζείς.
Όταν γεννιέσαι εσύ θρηνείς,
οι άλλοι θρινούν το θάνατό σου."
Written by a Jew of Cordoba in AD993
Right. Let's talk about something cheerier? Enough melancholy! Zozolina, we'll have sushi when I'm back tomorrow! Yes!
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