Saturday, April 22, 2006

We are doing this for our children

An advice: sometimes it is better to ask for the moon and the stars. Look above and the shine will never let you look down, bedazzled entagled into the hair of the night the demons of a balcony inside of which you sleep into a hill of a forehead...
Sometimes it is better to ask for the moon and the stars because there is no because. Poison is beat with poison. Drink up before it is finished and then all you have left is milk,mildness and a mania you never indulged into.

But remember in this Easter, which tomorrow dies to give us our new birth again, put your mask on smile and do not think what happens when he, Eros or Thanatos, enters the door...

Without you realizing he will appear on the Right. He will greet you : Hello, countess, do you not greet me anymore?

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