Saturday, July 02, 2011

and the music doesnt

and the language disjuncts the necessity of meaning

spelling the touch is possible when I am not writing.

you, you must live a simple life sometimes.

Some times the simple life is possible when the rest is possible.

And the meanings become entangled with lips and hair and hands.

The union brings about fragments of a deep break, one never wished

but not resisted, the union desired desired desired through a word

that will always lack not the size, but the openness of the want.

The want liberates, the want then restrains, the want liberates, the want restrains
and only through its repetition in moments can you realize its purpose.

There, there, here and here, where, where can I find you again?

No. I do not want to find you again. There, here, here where, there cannot

be exalted, the disjunction brings so much pleasure that it is not possible to know.

To really know the object of the object of desire.

Now, there is only my subjectivity undoing itself.

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