Monday, April 06, 2009

The word I am choosing is heterology


When one woman does not correspond to the bag of the other, rather, the beige and brown square pattern of her brain.

When one man chooses silicone roundness over feeling well in one's skin even if it is another's.

The joy is too good, the joy is too bad when you relish in knowing what others do not.

Different origins may be the explanation but what if we had the chance to meet at a point?

The rivers run, the rivers meet, the rivers leave, the rivers carry.

To love in true colours generally is good sometimes too blurry for those purposes of what we call " the material life."

And let those who cannot write write, and let those who should not show her face show.

And hide the beauty in places that protect it. and show it because there are some who can still and will see it.

the words, stupid, will burn with the laptop in some centuries, the papers will wither in dust but the DNA-smart... will keep on going ..keep on loving truly for ever and ever.

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