Thursday, November 03, 2011

Window Pain

Window Pain

Placed at the end of a linear line, the destination,
beyond which there is a windowpane,
which must be broken if you claim to be a seeker.
“Whereafter” is not the word you will be told reading
the song that aligns itself with no soul, broken circle
Of glass, attempt, attempt, fail, fail, fall in waves

of non-elocution, the blood mechanism reverberates the waves
of knives scraping at the porous membrane, the destination
In and out, in and out, we violated the circle.
Where will you look at us now? Look through the window, Pain.
Do not let the steam follow the heart, dear reading.
Do not write on the “Oh”. Sin remain a silent thinker.

They will after you come, the outside of demons voices reading.
You are afraid fear can make those waves
splash in a mind that is not yours breeding
Bleeding in the nest of sparrows protected in foil in hibernation.
Birds of blue curves and smudges knock on the window pane.
Around the larynx what is seeking to enter the circle

that was undone reversing the exit of the text circle.
The story that became extinct only the reading
Lingers in its illness opening its window crane:
A cradle of mesmerizing blood waves
The opposites take over their adjectives for revelation
comes feeding slow into the wings of reading.

To spell the “in-yoke” that will pierce the deadening
ellipsis of telling, I do not wish to circle
around the emptied nest, I wish to dive in the dissolution.
If only the lines could transform the linear seeker
into an believer. Then. He waves.
I am Narrating the lack of unmoving the widow in pain.

A struggle, not of ink, not of skin, of the image on the window pane.
Upon it, over it, touching with a wet reading
Drops of liquid excuses running up and down waves
Of a sea that bewilders those who are not in the circle
Of Eros, some light through holes of bullets by the seeker
Opens up the beak of darkness into the vacuum of elevation.

Wherefore art thou Destinator of the circle?
Torturing a writer stealing her bond to exception
To err means to rid one Self from the pain of a closed window

That drowns waves of my wedding to myself.

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