Monday, July 27, 2009

stray parvenu stay

Pride and humility, they are on the same page, on days of silence

they share, in the wooden library.

Greek slang meets French along with English way of speech

too many cooks in one head I have become swelled,

a parvenu, caught in my own gone spell

I have lost my touch and No I have felt not

because Humility tonight speaks in dis-drain,,

The Down of the wheel has led myself astray,,,

into a grande damme, a peacock, that wants to speak all the same:

"when you look at her she will not speak,

when you shall caress her soul then she sings"

I forgot that if you remember

that you forgot you do escape doomsday

with a bit of foolish rhyme and rocks to walk removed from my favorite bay

I jump on ghosts of souless sand and sea-spray...

Now remember what it was to be when it was a young day

Foolish and astray I mispell my present say

but now I shall believe the older and in the oldest day

where I my rock removed from sea to stop the wave.


The Passenger said...

Words play so much in your posts Zoelin; they hide and peek behind trees and rocks, they change their shape when in shadow or light, they vanish and appear at whim, like fairy spirits.

I'd be dishonest if I didn't say that this line stays with me:

"...a grande damme, a peacock, that wants to speak..."

Unknown said...

I never thought people understand what I write, but I thought mystery is always something we all look for and like to peek at. But if there is one person to understand what I am trying to do then that is enough satisfaction for me.

And funny that line should stay with you... I thought that one was /is among the unsuccessful ones.. maybe because it reveals too much unlike the rest...

Anonymous said...

It's like a bag of silky smooth feathers.

You throw it high up in the air

And a different feather falls on each of the people below.