Monday, December 24, 2007

Craze of Heart

red is the heart that pumps the blood
red is the vibration beeping the neurons in the brain

stupid fish.

stupid fish.

blue is the water of the inspiration

blue is the sadness of the creation.

purple is the varnish that covers fingers

purple is the shiver that colds the skin.

Look at nothing and buy nothing.


Anonymous said...

You have a special connection with fish or is this my imagination? I think you've used them before in your posts.

Unknown said...

I definately do as my zodiac sign assigns me as a Pisces and I generally love the sea...But also water and blue are elements I love using, I find them very inspiring,,, thank God you woke up the blog I have not written anything yet for 2008

Anonymous said...

My pleasure.Hopefully the blog had some interesting dreams while sleeping.

Κρίση Ταυτότητας said...

Well, I would like to hear more about your favourite elements Zoelin...