Wednesday, March 29, 2006
a wall has two sides
So when the ice-man approaches you, do you ignore him or do you try to melt him? Honesty should always be your guide, I have been raised to believe. But really can you tell him "you are an ice-man and I would be too cold with you touching my lips?" Is this not discrimination? Surely, there must be a match for him like everyone has one in this world.
I would rather there was no wall and I would rather I was not the ice-woman.
The man in question in answer in reality tells me he hopes he was not the ice-man.. in my dream..
Monday, March 27, 2006
the nights of wind on Charlotte Street
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Handle your Dead line
I drink some water. Love will not save you.
I am directing a special day ritual tonight.
Let’s begin with the heart.
Fall out with vitamins. Do not re-charge.
Now tear it out.
Hold on. For a second. Hold on to what?
You have just torn your only handle.
You have made the wrong start again.
It is not the heart that one starts. With
Right. Have some water. Ready? Pull them out.
The eyes. Round lubricated hazel eyes.
Does the world sound blinder or blacker tonight?
This is the funniest walk ever! All is bloody red.
Bloody Red and a Cuba Libre for me please.
Please. What is there to please? A lingering
Of –f hands. French man-i-cure nails.
Forget man-i-cure. Cut off hands. That will,
that will save you off the money spent.
Smile you are so alone.
Smile you won’t be smiling for long.
Remove your mouth.
Hush: Now Heart, blender it all up.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Cleopatra and Anthony
What in the world am I talking about? But of course... about the summer... you know the season? seasoning?
Monday, March 20, 2006
Did the compressor compress me or did I compress myself?
Sunday, March 19, 2006
synexeia enos australezikou oneirou ...
its officially published
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
in my blog
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
check it out
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
ax den mou bgainei
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
enw leei oti einai published
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
ena lepto na to elekso
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
emena mou kanei boicotage to pc
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
afou den eisai boskos
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
den eisaimeros tou lcub
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
mono oi boskoi
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
pane sto steam room
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
eseis oi tragoudopoioi den exete to privilige
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
class discrimination to leme ayto?
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
epeidi dilada emeis oi tragoudopoioi kolovarame oli mera simenei pos den mporoume na kanoume kati xrisimo?
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
den kserw how you call it
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
emeis sto ostralia
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
we call it nature's law
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
ma ti lew
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
eseis i tragoudopoiei den kserete apo nomous
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
kai tetoia
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
ego omos ipostirizo positive law kai leo dikaioume!
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
eiste anomoi
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
anomoi, anoitoi ki anerastoi...
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
leo ayti ti sizitisi na tin valo ego sto diko mou blog
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
em kai anerastoi koriiiiiii
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
na tin ebaleis wre
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
akou ekei
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
ti einai touto pali
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
how do u know?
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
how do I know
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
egw kserw mono
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
oti ta kalytera poimenika
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
apo anerastous erastes
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
pou briskontan
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
pisw apo to 8amnaki
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
dipla to probato
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
kai twra prepei na me kaneis xrated
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
kai belazan
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
ki ego ksero pos ta kalitera poimenika tragoudia apo tous tragoudopoious dimiourgithikan
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
stin melwdia tis kataprasinis fysis
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
kai apo pou nomizeis
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
piran tin ebneysi tous oi tragoudopoioi
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
apo to mati pou pernan apo emas
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
tou ftwxous australezous boskous
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
pou bgazame to pswmi mas kai to gala kai to tyri mas
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
o idrwtas
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
sto xwma mia gis
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
pou 8a oneireyomoun to 2006
Discussions meta apo ek8eseis...
ti arxisame pali
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
denmporw na arni8w tin australeziki katagwgi mou omws
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
simfona me stereotypes tho, u also need a family background
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
eimai enas sheppard
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
ego ti imouna?
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
esy isoun tragoudopoios nomizw
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
gi ayto s ayti tin zoi eimai parafoni? its all about balance!
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
thimase to website?
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
pigaine se auto
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
giauto se autin tin zwi den mporw na
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
kratisw probata
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
kateba na deis tin diafora me tin ka8rin zeta jones an piges sto website pou sou esteila
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
na se do na voskeis provata kai na apaggeleis ta poiimata sou kai tha pethano sto gelio
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
nai, aytin vlepo tora
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
ena lepto
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
teleio auto pou eipes
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
na belazei ena probato i na min belazei
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
na byzaskei ena probataki i na min byzaskei apo tin probatina
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
na faei to xortaraki i na masoulisei nostalgika
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
poios shakespear tora! na voskeis i na min voskeis einai i erotisi!
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
in todays anorexic society it is
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
eides poso contemporary
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
einai i australeza
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
boskopoet fili sou
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
exo trellathei sto gelio!
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
a re Zoelin, exeis empneyseis apopse!
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
bosko poet
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
pou me potizei
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
o antras mou
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
apo to xwriou tou bolou
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
ayto prepei na to grasoume!
Cleopatra here, Mata Hari in Bristol... says:
ekei na wras glentoboskimata pou kanoume
Mata Hari here, Cleopatra in London says:
giati den to vazeis sto blog sou?
Saturday, March 18, 2006
The Compressor of London
Can I call London a garden? Will all these people who do not like it let me do so? Do I need a permission? We are all here who live here growing under the wing of the London wind, Fitzrovia sun cracks through corners of streets of motorbikers with the leather jackets smiling at you making your day, businessmen in their black suits buying their lunch and staring at the flowers by the cash tills... Oh and the underground.. that some people find claustrophobic... I consider it a ten to fifteen minute group therapy.. all of us there sitting together, enclosed with no escape from each other's glances,,, working up our imagination to discover what stop that black girl rapping will get off and where this bold black-glassed man will fly to reading his book about Barcelona.... London
you might call it impersonal... you could easily... but you know why? because we are all each other's person... we do not know... we might not speak to each other .... but we are all together.... moi from Greece.... another is from France... another is English another is my flatmate from Bahrain... we are all growing here.. flourishing in the climate of England isnt that miraculous?
Have you seen a more exotic garden?
I am watered and water it every day...
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Rights of Passage
Do we really have vision of the zebra-crossing? Or do we cross and not know the cars are running over us?
Sunday, March 12, 2006
return of time
I thought.
The “I” took over my throat
The white pages had written
That day was the day I got Lost.
Post-traumatic of an “x” persistence
I had not, I thought.
The day last year you (comes in) and
The day you came out
Of a virgin
which had previously
Broken not.
Hymen-wise still intact, silent
Weaving by the fire of her private spot
The threads unraveled but the machine had not broke.
The pneuma took its break while silence on the line
Of your mouth was about to slant
And speak of something I thought existed not
The pneuma took its break thought and thought
Ruptured into the wood of the machine
Which had stopped.
Weave weave silent and by night if you do not
Unweave he will help you out.
You, shred the blanket I covered myself with
The one I weaved with so much thought
I had not spoke
You I made: you, shred with your consent
And I am just
Thursday, March 09, 2006
For you: non-sense.
And this is my first post on this blog. Have you ever been to a steam room?